It's a Garrison, Son - Update v0.9.14

Hey rulers!

In this update, we're changing the rules for capturing provinces, to make it more realistic and interesting. Other peculiar changes have happened as well, see more details below:

NB: Most of the new content is also available in Warnament's free Demo on Steam! Don't forget to add Warnament to wishlist, too: this is the best way to show us that you're waiting for the game to come out, and provides us with superior motivation for releasing the game sooner!

v0.9.14 Released!

  • Garrisons were added to each province. Subsequently, the requirement for a minimal amount of troops to conquer a province was removed. From now on, to secure a territory, one must completely destroy its garrison. Garrisons slowly recover during 10 turns, if they manage to survive an attack. The size of a garrison depends on the economics of the province where it's stated. Therefore, conquering an advanced province (like the capitals of states) requires more power - using artillery will be especially effective. Respectively, poor and faraway provinces can be taken with a modest amount of infantry
  • Two new events were added, linked to the capitals of states. One of them alerts you when your capital is under attack, and the other one urges you to take it back, if it is captured
  • UI now only displays resources that correspond to unlocked technologies
  • Improved rendering of big maps, now they look prettier and no longer have problems with icons' display
  • Map loading optimized
  • Improved interface for technology tree and province menu
  • Bug fixes for MacOS version
  • Fixed a bug that prevented saving the game in multiplayer

If you haven't done so already, please add Warnament to your wishlist on Steam. This is the best way to show us that you're waiting for the game to come out, and provides us with superior motivation for releasing the game sooner!

Want some more Warnament? We got you! Here's what you can do:

  • Join our merry gang on Warnament's Discord Server to chat with devs and fellow players, and send your feedback straight to the devs
  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and watch weekly videos about the development process
  • Join our mailing list to get the latest news about the game
  • Follow Warnament on Twitter

See you in 2 weeks, when the next Warnament update is out!

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Warnament_DEMO_Android_0.9.14.183.apk 283 MB
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This just improved the "wall yourself in your capital with troops" strategy and I love it